SBA Conference and Committee meetings

Only Members and Affiliates to the SBA are eligible to attend forums.

SBA Forums may be either a conference or an ad-hoc meeting such as a SBA Committee meeting, in-person or virtual. Compliance with the SBA Code of Practice is mandatory at all SBA Forums.

Conferences are held twice per year, typically ย in Spring and Autumn, over a three day period. At each conference a range of mutually relevant topics are discussed, such as education, market statistics, regulatory and sustainability, progress of SBA projects, public relations, new initiatives, concerns etc. Guest speakers are invited to the meetings to present on a variety of topics relevant to the industry.

Prospective members/affiliates are invited to attend a conference in order to meet existing members/affiliates to discuss the objectives and the achievements of the SBA, and to be able to ask questions in order to assist in deciding whether to join the SBA . Potential members/affiliates are also asked to make a short presentation to outline their business and products.

Conference meeting venues are typically within Europe.

SBA Board of Directors

There is SBA Board of Directors, comprising of up to eight members. No member company is allowed to have more than one member on the Board. One director member is elected Chairman by fellow directors. The Director General of the SBA is also a director and attends Board meetings. Board members are from full member companies and are elected to the Board by the full membership at a general meeting.

Board members undertake their roles on a non-expense basis. The Director General is responsible to the Board for managing the day-to-day activities and finances of the SBA, and is paid a fee for these services.

The Board meets four times per year.

SBA Board

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